Conference Papers
Conference Papers : (SCI – Science Citation Index; *Corresponding author-通訊作者)
- Wan-Yin Lien, Hong-Chun Li*, Horng-Sheng Mii, 2017. Paleoclimate reconstruction of Guangxi in SW China during the past 2000-year: stalagmite records from two caves. AGU Fall meeting, 11-15 Dec. 2017, New Orleans, USA.
- Min-Shuo Liou, Hong-Chun Li*, Biing-Tzung Guan, Sheng-Kun Huang, The nuclear bomb carbon curve recorded in tree-rings and lake sediments near Taal Volcano, Central Philippines. AGU Fall meeting, 11-15 Dec. 2017, New Orleans, USA.
- Hong-Chun Li*, Jian-Jun Yin, Tatiana Blyakharchuk, Chuan-Chou Shen, 2017. AMS 14C and 230Th/U dating on stalagmites from North Altai Mountain, Siberia, Russia. AGU Fall meeting, 11-15 Dec. 2017, New Orleans, USA.
- Hong-Chun Li*, Su-Chen Kang, Chun-Yen Chou, 2017. Progress report of the NTUAMS Lab since EAAMS-6. The 7th East Asia Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Symposium (EA-AMS 7), November 20-25, 2017, Guilin, China.
- Su-Chen Kang, Chun-Yen Chou, Hong-Chun Li*, 2017. The results of Inter-comparison samples in the NTUAMS Lab during 2015-2017. The 7th East Asia Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Symposium (EA-AMS 7), November 20-25, 2017, Guilin, China.
- Wan-Yin Lien, Hong-Chun Li*, Horng-Sheng Mii, 2017. Instrumental and stalagmite records of rainfall variations during the past 60 years in Guangxi, China. The 7th East Asia Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Symposium (EA-AMS 7), November 20-25, 2017, Guilin, China.
- Yi-Wei Chang, Hong-Chun Li*, 2017. High-resolution AMS 14C measurement on a 51-cm sediment core from Santa Barbara Basin: organic carbon sources and implications. The 7th East Asia Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Symposium (EA-AMS 7), November 20-25, 2017, Guilin, China.
- Min-Shuo Liou, Hong-Chun Li*, Hsin-Yu Chang, Biing-Tzung Guan, Sheng-Kun Huang, 2017. Temporal Variation of Carbon-14 concentration in tree-ring near Lake Taal, Central Philippines. The 7th East Asia Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Symposium (EA-AMS 7), November 20-25, 2017, Guilin, China.
- Qian-Nan Yang, Hong-Yan Zhao*, Hong-Chun Li**, Hong-Kai Li, 2017. Bomb 14C curve and recent carbon accumulation rate in the Hani peat during the past 60 years. The 7th East Asia Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Symposium (EA-AMS 7), November 20-25, 2017, Guilin, China.
- You-Xuan Chen, Jian-Jun Yin, Tatiana Blyakharchuk, Hong-Chun Li*, Horng-Sheng Mii, Chuan-Chou Shen, 2017. Chronological construction of a stalagmite from Altai Mountain, Siberia, Russia. The 7th East Asia Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Symposium (EA-AMS 7), November 20-25, 2017, Guilin, China.
- Yang-Yang Xia, Hong-Yan Liu, Yan-Min Dong, Qian-Nan Yang, Hong-Chun Li*, 2017. The graphitization line of the NENU radiocarbon Lab. The 7th East Asia Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Symposium (EA-AMS 7), November 20-25, 2017, Guilin, China.
- Jing-Jing Sun, Hong-Yan Zhao*, Sheng-Zhong Wang, Hong-Chun Li**, Qian-Nan Yang, Yang-Yang Xia, 2017. Variation of moss species and recent carbon accumulation rate in the Jingchuan bog during the past 60 years. The 7th East Asia Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Symposium (EA-AMS 7), November 20-25, 2017, Guilin, China.
- Yan-Min Dong, Sheng-Zhong Wang*, Hong-Kai Li, Hong-Chun Li, 2017. AMS 14C dating of a peat core from Bosten Lake in Xinjiang, China. The 7th East Asia Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Symposium (EA-AMS 7), November 20-25, 2017, Guilin, China.
- Hong-Chun Li*, 2017. AMS 14C dating on stalagmites. The 14th International AMS Conference (AMS 14), August 14-18, 2017, Ottawa Canada.
- Hong-Chun Li*, Sucheng Kang, Chun-Yen Chou, 2017. Progress and status report of the NTUAMS Lab: 2014-2017. The 14th International AMS Conference (AMS 14), August 14-18, 2017, Ottawa Canada.
- Hong-Chun Li*, Yi-Wei Zhang, William M. Berelson, 2017. Variations of D14CTOC and Acid-leachable elemental content in a 50-cm sediment core reflecting environmental changes over 200 years in Santa Barbara Basin, CA., The 4th International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity (ENVIRA2017), May 29 ~ June 2, 2017, Vilnius, Lithuania.
- 李紅春*,趙敏,米泓生,李廷勇,沈川洲,2017. 貴州衙門洞石筍7萬年以來的古氣候記錄。2017年台灣地質年會,5 月 10~11 日,成功大學,台南。
- 康素貞,周春燕,李紅春*,2017.台大加速器質譜碳十四定年實驗室定年質量控制:2015-2016。2017年台灣地質年會,5 月 10~11 日,成功大學,台南。
- 駱芳琳,李紅春*,趙紅艷,楊倩楠,2017. 中國東北泥炭AMS 14C定年結果:14C核爆曲線的應用。2017年台灣地質年會,5 月 10~11 日,成功大學,台南。
- 周春燕,李紅春*,2017. 台大加速器質譜碳十四定年石墨合成系統的改進。2017年台灣地質年會,5 月 10~11 日,成功大學,台南。
- 殷建軍,李紅春*,饒志國,沈川洲,米泓生,2017. 華北平原過去2000年來氣候和環境變化研究——來自河北珍珠洞的石筍記錄。2017年台灣地質年會,5 月 10~11 日,成功大學,台南。
- 陳又瑄,Eric Posmentier,李紅春*,2017. 台灣春雨變化分析。2017年台灣地質年會,5 月 10~11 日,成功大學,台南。
- 連婉吟,李紅春*,米泓生,2017. 中國廣西金倫洞石筍紀錄之氣候意義。2017年台灣地質年會,5 月 10~11 日,成功大學,台南。
- 劉閔碩,李紅春*,2017. 菲律賓中部塔奧火山湖體系地球化學研究。2017年台灣地質年會,5 月 10~11 日,成功大學,台南。
- 張益瑋,William M. Berelson,李紅春*,2017. 美國加州聖塔芭芭拉地區海洋岩心之地球化學研究。2017年台灣地質年會,5 月 10~11 日,成功大學,台南。
- Kuo-Yen Wei*, Chih-Kai Chuang, Hong-Chun Li, 2017. 利用頻譜分析、經驗正交函數、交叉小波分析辨識中國三根高時解石筍氧同位素紀錄所顯示的時空變異(Characterization of spatiotemporal variation in China speleothem d18O during the past 1800 years using spectral, empirical orthogonal function and cross wavelet analyses). 2017年台灣地質年會,5 月 10~11 日,成功大學,台南。
- Kuo-Yen Wei*, Chih-Kai Chuang, Hong-Chun Li, 2017. Spatiotemporal patterns of suborbital variation in speleothem d18O in south China during the late Holocene. The 8th International Climate Change: The Karst Record VIII Conference (KR8), 21-24 May 2017, Austin, Texas, USA.
- Yi-Wei Zhang, Hong-Chun Li*, William M. Berelson, 2017. AMS 14C and 210Pb dating on a 50-cm sediment core from Santa Barbara Basin, CA: old carbon source. The General Assembly 2017 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), 23–28 April 2017, Vienna, Austria.
- Yi-Wei Chang, Hong-Chun Li*, William M. Berelson, Zhi-Zhan Huang, Zi-Yu Lin, Comparison of elemental contents measured by Itrax XRF Core Scanner and ICP-OES on a marine sediment core from Santa Barbara Basin, CA. XRF Core Scanning 2017, 20th-24th, March, 2017, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
- Hong-Chun Li, Jian-Jun Yin, Zhi-Guo Rao, Horng-Sheng Mii, Chuan-Chou Shen, Radha Krishna Pillutla, Yun-Xia Li, 2016. A 2000-yr High-resolution Stalagmite Record from Zhenzhu Cave in Hebei, North China: Interpretations of AMS 14C, 230Th/U, 210Pb Dating, and d18O, d13C Results. AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 12-16, 2016, San Francisco, USA.
- Hong-Chun Li, Su-Chen Kang, Chun-Yen Chou, Fang-Lin Lo, Min Zhao, 2016. The AMS 14C Dating Method at the NTUAMS Lab and Some Important Applications. AOGS 2016 (The 13th Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society), 7/31-8/5, 2016, Beijing.
- Min Zhao, Hong-Chun Li*, Horng-Sheng Mii, Zai-Hua Liu, Ting-Yong Li, Chuan-Chou Shen, Su-Chen Kang, 2016. The AMS 14C and 230Th/U dating results on Yamen Cave stalagmites: A paleoclimate record since 71 Ka in southwestern China. AOGS 2016 (The 13th Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society), 7/31-8/5, 2016, Beijing.
- Su-Chen Kang, Hong-Chun Li*, Xiaomei Xu, Chun-Yen Chou, Fang-Lin Lo, Min Zhao, Jun-Yun Li, 2016. The inter-comparison results of AMS 14C dating in the NTUAMS Lab during 2014~2016. AOGS 2016 (The 13th Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society), 7/31-8/5, 2016, Beijing.
- Wan-Yin Lien, Hong-Chun Li*, Horng-Sheng Mii, Guang-Hui Jiang, 2016. Reconstruction of a 2300-year paleoclimate record based on AMS 14C dated stalagmites from Jinlun Cave and Yilingyan Cave in Guangxi, China. AOGS 2016 (The 13th Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society), 7/31-8/5, 2016, Beijing.
- 李紅春*, 康素貞, 周春燕, 駱芳琳, 2016. 2015-2016年台大加速器質譜定年實驗室進展報告. 2016年台灣地質與地球物理年會,2016年5月17-18日,臺北世貿南港展覽館,台北。
- 康素貞, 李紅春*, 徐曉梅, 周春燕, 駱芳琳, 趙敏, 李俊云, 2016. 2014-2016年台大加速器質譜碳十四定年實驗室國際比對樣品的結果分析. 2016年台灣地質與地球物理年會,2016年5月17-18日,臺北世貿南港展覽館,台北。
- 連婉吟, 李紅春*, 米泓生, 姜光輝, 2016. 中國西南地區2300年古氣候重建:基於廣西省金倫洞、伊嶺岩石筍. 2016年台灣地質與地球物理年會,2016年5月17-18日,臺北世貿南港展覽館,台北。
- 駱芳琳, 李紅春*, 米泓生, 2016. 恆春西台地四溝層貝類化石中AMS 14C定年以及穩定同位素紀錄. 2016年台灣地質與地球物理年會,2016年5月17-18日,臺北世貿南港展覽館,台北。
- 趙敏, 李紅春*, 米泓生, 劉再華, 李廷勇, 沈川洲, 康素貞, 2016. 衙門洞石筍AMS 14C和鈾系質譜定年的研究:過去71ka中國西南古氣候記錄(AMS 14C dating and 230Th/U dating on stalagmites from Yamen Cave: Paleoclimate record in the Southwestern China during the past 71 Ka). 2016年台灣地質與地球物理年會,2016年5月17-18日,臺北世貿南港展覽館,台北。
- 張益瑋, 李紅春*, William M. Berelson, 黃智展, 林子喻, 2016. 岩芯SBB-8-2012 iTrax XRF Core Scanner以及AMS 14C定年的初步結果. 2016年台灣地質與地球物理年會,2016年5月17-18日,臺北世貿南港展覽館,台北。
- Radha Krishna Pillutla, Hong-Chun Li*, Zhi-Guo Rao, Yun-Xia Li, Xiao-Kang Liu, Chuan-Chou Shen, 2016. AMS 14C dating of a stalagmite from Zhenzhu Cave, Tiangui Mountain, North China. 2016年台灣地質與地球物理年會,2016年5月17-18日,臺北世貿南港展覽館,台北。
- 邱品堯, Ludvig Löwemark*, 李紅春, 2016. Radiocarbon dating Arctic deep marine sediment to refine the usage of Mn variations as a stratigraphic tool. 2016年台灣地質與地球物理年會,2016年5月17-18日,臺北世貿南港展覽館,台北。
- 汪良奇, 李紅春, 蕭良堅, 2016. 廣西北部中全新世古湖沼演替與人類活動紀錄. 2016年台灣地質與地球物理年會,2016年5月17-18日,臺北世貿南港展覽館,台北。
- Hong-Chun Li, Wan-Yin Lien, Horng-Sheng Mii, Guang-Hui Jiang, Chun-Yen Chou, Pei-Jung Chou, 2015. High Resolution d18O and d13C Records of AMS 14C Dated Stalagmites From Jinlun and Yilingyan Caves in Guangxi, China: Climate Variability and Controlling Factors in the Monsoonal Region During the Past 2300 Years. AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 14-18, 2015, San Francisco, USA.
- Min Zhao, Bo Chen, Zaihua Liu*, Hong-Chun Li*, Rui Yang, 2015. Tracing source, mixing and uptaking processes of carbon in an epikarst spring system in southeastern Guizhou of China by carbon isotopes (13C-14C). AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 14-18, 2015, San Francisco, USA.
- Jun-Yun Li, Hong-Chun Li*, Ting-Yong Li, 2015. Reconstruction of chronology and growth rate of stalagmites from Xinya Cave by AMS 14C dating and 230Th/U dating. AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 14-18, 2015, San Francisco, USA.
- Chih-Kai Chuang, Hong-Chun Li*, Horng-Sheng Mii, Chunyen Chou, 2015. AMS 14C dates and stable isotopes of foraminiferal shells in Szekou Formation in South Taiwan: Tectonic and environmental implications. The 6th East Asia AMS Symposium, 5-8, October, 2015, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Pin-Yao Chiu, Weng-Si Chao, Ludvig Löwemark, Hong-Chun Li, 2015. Radiocarbon dating Arctic deep marine sediment to refine the usage of Mn pattern as a stratigraphic tool. The 6th East Asia AMS Symposium, 5-8, October, 2015, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Jun-Yun Li, Hong-Chun Li*, Ting-Yong Li, 2015. Reconstruction of chronology and growth rate of stalagmites from Xinya Cave by AMS 14C dating. The 6th East Asia AMS Symposium, 5-8, October, 2015, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Min Zhao, Hong-Chun Li*, 2015. Test of a new graphite reduction system at the NTUAMS Lab. The 6th East Asia AMS Symposium, 5-8, October, 2015, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Min Zhao, Hong-Chun Li*, 2015. Chronology and growth rate of stalagmites in Yamen Cave determined by AMS 14C dating: Climate and environmental significance. The 6th East Asia AMS Symposium, 5-8, October, 2015, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Fang-Lin Lo, Hong-Chun Li*, Horng-Sheng Mii, 2015. Chronology and seasonality of Szekou Formation: new AMS 14C dates and stable isotopes on shells. The 6th East Asia AMS Symposium, 5-8, October, 2015, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Suchen Kang, Hong-Chun Li*, 2015. The AMS 14C dating results on inter-comparison samples in the NTUAMS Lab. The 6th East Asia AMS Symposium, 5-8, October, 2015, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Jun-Yun Li, Hong-Chun Li*, Ting-Yong Li, Tao-Tao Zhang, 2015. Tracing carbon source and mixing in Furong Cave system through AMS 14C dating on modern speleothem deposits. The 6th East Asia AMS Symposium, 5-8, October, 2015, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Hong-Chun Li, 2015. AMS 14C dating on stalagmites. The 6th East Asia AMS Symposium, 5-8, October, 2015, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Shou-Yeh Gong, Hong-Chun Li, Fernando P. Siringan, 2015. AMS Carbon-14 age dating of microbial carbonates of shallow-water Holocene coral reefs in the Philippines. The 6th East Asia AMS Symposium, 5-8, October, 2015, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Wan-Yin Lien, Hong-Chun Li*, Chun-Yen Chou, Pei-Jung Chou, 2015. AMS 14C dating on stalagmites from Jinlun Cave in Guangxi, China. The 6th East Asia AMS Symposium, 5-8, October, 2015, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Hong-Chun Li, Sucheng Kang, Chun-Yen Chou, 2015. Progress and status report of the NTUAMS Lab at the National Taiwan University. The 6th East Asia AMS Symposium, 5-8, October, 2015, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Min Zhao, Bo Chen, Zaihua Liu*, Hong-Chun Li*, Rui Yang, 2015. Carbon cycles in epikarst spring-pond system in central Guizhou: D14C, d13C and geochemical indicators. The 6th East Asia AMS Symposium, 5-8, October, 2015, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Min Zhao, Hong-Chun Li*, Chuan-Chou Shen, Zhong-Han Lee, 2015. Reconstruction of climate and vegetation changes over the past 35 Ka from Stalagmite YLD-15 of Yelang Cave in central Guizhou, China. The XIX INQUA Congress: Quaternary Perspectives on Climate Change, Natural Hazards and Civilization. 27 July - 2 August, 2015, in Nagoya, Japan.
- Radha Krishna Pillutla, Hong-Chun Li*, Zhi-Guo Rao, Yun-Xia Li, Xiao-Kang Liu, Chuan-Chou Shen, 2015. AMS 14C dating of a stalagmite from Zhenzhu Cave, Hebei Province, North China. The XIX INQUA Congress: Quaternary Perspectives on Climate Change, Natural Hazards and Civilization. 27 July - 2 August, 2015, in Nagoya, Japan.
- Hong-Chun Li*, Wan-Yin Lien, Pei-Jung Chou, Guang-Hui Jiang, 2015. Climate and vegetation changes during the past 2300 years reflected by stalagmite records from caves in Nanning, Guangxi Province of South China. The XIX INQUA Congress: Quaternary Perspectives on Climate Change, Natural Hazards and Civilization. 27 July - 2 August, 2015, in Nagoya, Japan.
- Hong-Chun Li*, Min Zhao, Fang-Lin Lo, Chi-Huah Chung, Horng-Sheng Mii, 2015. AMS 14C dating on fossil shells from Szekou Formation in south Taiwan: Re-examining uplift rate during the past 50Ka. The XIX INQUA Congress: Quaternary Perspectives on Climate Change, Natural Hazards and Civilization. 27 July - 2 August, 2015, in Nagoya, Japan.
- 李紅春*,趙敏,駱芳琳,米泓生,李俊云,鍾綺樺, 2015. 恆春西臺地四溝層中貝類化石的AMS 14C定年和地化分析 (New AMS 14C dates and geochemical data on fossil shells from Szekou Formation in south Taiwan). 2015年台灣地質與地球物理年會,2015年5月13-14日,中國文化大學,台北。
- 李紅春*,蔡佳欣,趙敏,米泓生,張冕,魏國彥,駱芳琳,李俊云,2015. 台灣首個高解析度石筍記錄:過去1300年的氣候和植被變化(The first high-resolution stalagmite record in Taiwan: Climate and environmental changes during the past 1300 years)。2015年台灣地質與地球物理年會,2015年5月13-14日,中國文化大學,台北。
- 連婉吟,李紅春*,周沛蓉,米弘生,姜光輝,2015. 廣西南寧地區2300年來的氣候變化:金倫洞和伊嶺岩石筍記錄(Climatic changes during the past 2300 years in Nanning, Guangxi of China: Stalagmite records from Jinlun Cave and Yiling Cave)。2015年台灣地質與地球物理年會,2015年5月13-14日,中國文化大學,台北。
- 康素貞,李紅春*,2015. The NTUAMS Lab碳十四定年國際比對樣品的結果分析. 2015年台灣地質與地球物理年會,2015年5月13-14日,中國文化大學,台北。
- 李俊雲,李紅春,李廷勇,李玄,袁娜, 2015. 芙蓉洞洞穴CO2濃度與洞穴現代沉積物沉積速率監測的環境研究意義. 2015年台灣地質與地球物理年會,2015年5月13-14日,中國文化大學,台北。
- 趙敏,李紅春*,沈川洲,李宗翰, 2015. 貴州中部過去35ka以來古氣候和古植被變化重建研究—以夜郎洞石筍(YLD-15)為例. 2015年台灣地質與地球物理年會,2015年5月13-14日,中國文化大學,台北。
- 周春燕,李紅春*, 2015. 台大加速器質譜實驗室(NTUAMS LAB) 碳十四定年介紹. 2015年台灣地質與地球物理年會,2015年5月13-14日,中國文化大學,台北。
- 駱芳琳,李紅春*, 2015. 加速器質譜碳十四定年法(AMS C14 dating)在考古和文物鑑定中的應用及注意事項. 2015年台灣地質與地球物理年會,2015年5月13-14日,中國文化大學,台北。
- Hong-Chun Li*, Jian-Jun Yin, Chuan-Chou Shen, Horng-Sheng Mii, Ting-Yong Li, 2015. An absolutely dated high-resolution stalagmite record from Lianhua Cave in central China: Climate forcing and comparisons with Wanxiang Cave and Dongge Cave records over the past 2000 years. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, 10 – 17 April 2015, Vienna, Austria.
- Min Zhao, Hong-Chun Li*, Chuan-Chou Shen, Hai-Long Sun, Horng-Sheng Mii, 2015. Multiple AMS 14C dated stalagmite records from Yelang Cave in Central Guiyang of China: Climate and vegetation reconstruction since the last glaciation. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, 10 – 17 April 2015, Vienna, Austria.
- Hong-Chun Li*, 2014. AMS 14C dating at NTU and its applications. The Association of East Asian Research Universities (AEARU)—5th Energy & Environmental Workshop (EEW), 22 – 24 October 2014, NTU, Taipei.
- Yin Chang, Jiing-Yih Liu and Hong-Chun Li, 2014. The Preliminary Study of Design Oyster Bio-Engineering System for Waste Water Treatment and Carbon Dioxide Sequestration. International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, ICCEE-2014, September 23-24, 2014, Pukyong National University, Busan, South Korea.
- 李紅春*, 趙敏, 李廷勇, 楊琰, 朱曉燕, 2014. 洞穴石筍的加速器質譜碳十四定年的深入研究 (A detailed study of AMS 14C dating on stalagmites). 第十一屆中國第四紀學術大會,8/16-18/2014, 貴陽。
- Hong-Chun Li*, Jianjun Yin, Chuan-Chou Shen, 2014. Influence of ENSO and Solar Activity on the Asian Monsoon Intensity During the Last Millennium: A High-resolution Stalagmite Record From Central China. The 11th Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS), July 28-August 2, 2014, in Sapporo, Japan.
- Pei-Jung Chou, Wan-Yin Lien, Hong-Chun Li*, 2014. Study of AMS 14C Dating on Stalagmites From Caves in Guangxi, China. The 11th Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS), July 28-August 2, 2014, in Sapporo, Japan.
- 趙敏, 李紅春, 葉佐興, 孫海龍, 沈川洲, 2014. 夜郎洞石筍(20120824-13)AMS 14C和鈾系質譜定年的研究:氣候與環境變化對石筍生長的影響。2014 台灣地質年會, 2014/5/14-15,東華大學,花蓮。
- 李紅春*, 2014. 台大加速器質譜碳十四定年在地學和考古研究中的應用。2014 台灣地質年會, 2014/5/14-15,東華大學,花蓮。
- Gabriela Domínguez Vázquez, Hong-Chun Li, Isabel Israde Alcantara, James L. Bischoff, 2014. Reconstruction of Climate and Environmental Changes During the Past 50 Ka by Geochemical Proxies in Lake Cuitzeo sediments in the central Mexico. 2014 台灣地質年會, 2014/5/14-15,東華大學,花蓮。
- 連婉吟, 周沛蓉, 孫正瑋, 米泓生, 李紅春*, 2014. 中國南寧金倫洞石筍之加速器質譜14C定年以及古氣候重建 (AMS 14C dating on a stalagmite from Jinlun Cave in Nanning, Guangxi and its climatic significance). 2014 台灣地質年會, 2014/5/14-15,東華大學,花蓮。
- 周沛蓉,連婉吟,熊培成,李紅春*,2014. 廣西武鳴伊嶺岩洞穴石筍的加速器質譜碳十四定年(AMS 14C dating on stalagmites from Yiling Cave in Guangxi, China). 2014 台灣地質年會, 2014/5/14-15,東華大學,花蓮。
- 蔡佳欣,李紅春*,沈川洲, 2014. 臺灣南部過去1800年以來的高解析古氣候記錄:高雄大岡山洞穴石筍記錄. 2014 台灣地質年會, 2014/5/14-15,東華大學,花蓮。
- Hong-Chun Li*, 2014. The AMS facility and current status of 14C dating at the National Taiwan University. 南海暨南海島嶼古環境、古氣候與地質災害研討會, 2014/4/8-9, 海洋大学,基隆。
- Min Zhao, Hong-Chun Li, Zuoxing Ye, Hailong Sun, Chuan-Chou Shen, 2014. AMS 14C and ICP-MS 230Th/U dating on a stalagmite from Yelang Cave in Guizhou, China: Paleoclimate implications. 南海暨南海島嶼古環境、古氣候與地質災害研討會, 2014/4/8-9, 海洋大学,基隆。
- Hong-Chun Li*, Jian-Jun Yin, Chuan-Chou Shen, Dao-Xian Yuan, Xiu-Yang Jiang, Ting-Yong Li, 2013. Teleconnection among Asian Summer Monsoon, ENSO and PDO revealed by instrumental and historic records as well as an annual resolution stalagmite record from Lianhua Cave, northwestern Hunan, China. AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 8-13, 2013, San Francisco, USA.
- Hong-Chun Li*, 2013. The AMS 14C dating facility at NTU and its capability. EAGER Workshop: Extreme events Archived in GEological Records, November 7-8, 2013, National Central University, ChungLi, Taiwan.
- Hong-Chun Li*, 2013. Progress report on the AMS Lab at National Taiwan University. The 5th East Asia AMS Symposium, Oct. 15-18, 2013, KIGAM, Daejeon, Korea. (Invited talk)
- Pei-Jung Chou, Wan-Yin Lien, Hong-Chun Li*, 2013. A Carbonate Background Working Standard for NTUAMS Lab. The 5th East Asia AMS Symposium, Oct. 15-18, 2013, KIGAM, Daejeon, Korea.
- Wan-Yin Lien, Pei-Jung Chou, Hong-Chun Li*, 2013. An organic carbon background working standard for AMS 14C dating in the NTUAMS Lab. The 5th East Asia AMS Symposium, Oct. 15-18, 2013, KIGAM, Daejeon, Korea.
- Chia-Hsin Tsai, Hong-Chun Li*, 2013. A preliminary study of AMS 14C dating on a stalagmite from South Taiwan. The 5th East Asia AMS Symposium, Oct. 15-18, 2013, KIGAM, Daejeon, Korea.
- Shing-Lin Wang, George S. Burr1, Li-Hung Lin, Yue-Gau Chen, Hong-Chun Li, 2013. Temperature stepped combustion system and DOC extraction system for radiocarbon dating at the NTUAMS lab. The 5th East Asia AMS Symposium, Oct. 15-18, 2013, KIGAM, Daejeon, Korea.
- Hong-Chun Li*, Chih-An Huh, 2013. Carbon storage and flux change in the marine sediments of Taiwan Strait. 2013 Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Conference, 24 - 28 June 2013, Brisbane, Australia.
- Hong-Chun Li*, Ching-Hua Lo, Yue-Gau Chen, Sun-Lin Chung, George Burr, Shing-Lin Wang The AMS facility and AMS 14C dating at National Taiwan University. 2013 Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Conference, 24 - 28 June 2013, Brisbane, Australia. (Invited talk)
- Hong-Chun Li*, Jianjun Yin, Daoxian Yuan, Chuan-Chou Shen, 2013. Climate and vegetation changes in northwestern Hunan of China since 1180AD reflected a well-dated annual resolution stalagmite record from Lianhua Cave (西元1180年以來中國湖南西北部氣候與植被的變化:蓮花洞一個年解析度、精確定年的石筍記錄). 2013年臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會 (2013 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly) , May 13~17, 2013, 龍潭, 桃園.
- 汪良奇,李紅春,陳淑華,吳俊宗,黃致展,魏國彥,李德貴,扈治安, 2013. 台灣東北部中世紀暖期與小冰期的氣候特徵:宜蘭翠峰湖沉積物的地球化學分析紀錄 . 2013年臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會 (2013 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly) , May 13~17, 2013, 龍潭, 桃園.
- 陳則喻,李紅春*,沈川洲, 2013. 中國甘肅省黃爺洞1450年來之石筍碳氧同位素紀錄:氣候、植被、人類活動以及朝代更替的關聯. 2013年臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會 (2013 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly) , May 13~17, 2013, 龍潭, 桃園.
- 陳岳民、陳昱璇、張引、林玫鈺、李紅春*, 2013. 台灣沿海牡蠣養殖對於水體的重金屬吸收效益之評估. 2013年臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會 (2013 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly) , May 13~17, 2013, 龍潭, 桃園.
- 蔡佳欣,李紅春*,莊智凱, 2013. 台灣大學加速器質譜實驗室碳十四定年石墨靶製備系統 (The Graphitization line for AMS Radiocarbon Dating of NTUAMS Lab). 2013年臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會 (2013 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly) , May 13~17, 2013, 龍潭, 桃園.
- 連婉吟,周沛蓉,李紅春*, 2013. 苗栗火炎山香山相層埋藏炭化木及其膠結物的化學和礦物組成 (Chemical and Mineral Compositions of the Fossil Wood and its Cement Material in the Xiangshan Stratum at Haoyan Mountain of Miaoli County). 2013年臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會 (2013 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly) , May 13~17, 2013, 龍潭, 桃園.
- 周沛蓉,連婉吟,李紅春*,George Burr, 2013. 台灣大學地質系加速器質譜實驗室碳酸鹽本底樣品製備 (The Carbonate Background Sample for NTUAMS Lab). 2013年臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會 (2013 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly) , May 13~17, 2013, 龍潭, 桃園.
- Hao-Cheng Wang, Chuan-Chou Shen, Sakonvan Chawchai, Ludvig Löwemark, Barbara Wohlfarth, Akkaneewut Chabangborn, Xiu-Yang Jiang, Hong-Chun Li, Ryuji Asami and Ryu Uemura, 2013. An absolute-dated Asian monsoon record over the past 16 kyrs inferred from Thamklang Cave, Thailand. 2013年臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會 (2013 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly) , May 13~17, 2013, 龍潭, 桃園.
- Hong-Chun Li*, Jian-Jun Yin, Dao-Xian Yuan, Ting-Yong Li, 2013. Influence of Asian Summer Monsoon on the Moisture Budget of Karst Region in the Southwest China During the Last Millennium. International Symposium of Karst Water under Global Change Pressure. 11-13 April, 2013, Guilin, China. (Invited talk)
- Liang-Chi Wang, Hong-Chun Li, 2013. Holocene monsoonal climate changes tracked by biological and geochemical proxies from a lacustrine sediment core of subalpine Taiwan. International Symposium of Karst Water under Global Change Pressure. 11-13 April, 2013, Guilin, China.
- Hong-Chun Li*, 2013. Monsoonal climate variability in the eastern Asia during Holocene: Reading from speleothem records. 第12屆"臺灣之第四紀"&IMAGES/PAGES 研討會, Jan. 21-25, 2013, 高雄. (Invited talk)
- 陳則喻,李紅春*,沈川洲, 2013. Stalagmite δ18O Records from Huangye Cave of Gansu Province, China. 第12屆"臺灣之第四紀"&IMAGES/PAGES 研討會, Jan. 21-25, 2013, 高雄.
- Hong-Chun Li*, Ze-Yu Chen, Chih-An Huh, Kuan-Hua Chen, Yu-Nong Lin, Feng-Hsin Hsu, 2012. Natural and human impacts on the coastal environment of Taiwan during the last century recorded in sediment cores. AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 3-7, 2012, San Francisco, USA.
- Wang Hao-Cheng, Shen Chuan-Chou, Sakonvan Chawchai, Ludvig Löwemark, Barbara Wohlfarth, Jiang Xiu-Yang, Li Hong-Chun, Ryuji Asami and Ryu Uemura, 2012. An absolute-dated Indian summer monsoon record over the past 16 kyrs from Tham kiang Cave, Thailand. AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 3-7, 2012, San Francisco, USA.
- Hong-Chun Li*, C.-A. Huh, Y. Zhang, H.-L. Lin, 2012. Carbon Flux and Annual Inventory Toward to the Coastal Sediments of Taiwan. 2012 Taiwan International Conference of CO2 Capture, Storage and Reuse, Nov. 25~27, 2012, Taipei.
- Hong-Chun Li*, Chih-An Huh, 2012. Changes of carbon budget in the coastal sediments of Taiwan during the last century. The 13th Frontier Science Symposium, 2012年11月19-20日, National Taiwan University.
- Ze-Yu Chen, Hong-Chun Li*, 2012. Human impact on the coastal environment of Taiwan during the past 100 years. The 13th Frontier Science Symposium, 2012年11月19-20日, National Taiwan University.
- Yin Chang, Hong-Chun Li, 2012. Potential approach to cleanup heavy metal contamination in the coastal environment of Taiwan by cultured oyster. The 13th Frontier Science Symposium, 2012年11月19-20日, National Taiwan University.
- 張引*,李紅春,2012. 應用牡蠣養殖進行固碳及淨水兩項環境修復用途之研究。2012水利產業研討會, 2012年10月25-26日, 國立台灣科技大學,臺北。
- 李紅春*,扈治安,2012. 臺灣海峽近百年來沉積物稀酸可溶相元素含量以及其他地球化學特徵。2012年中華民國地球物理與地質年會暨學術研討會, 2012年5月17-18日, 國立中央大學, 中壢。
- 張引*,李紅春,2012. 貝類養殖對碳循環和重金屬吸收效益之測量方法研究。2012年中華民國地球物理與地質年會暨學術研討會, 2012年5月17-18日, 國立中央大學, 中壢。
- 洪嘉佳,李紅春*,2012. 菲律賓中部塔奧火山湖岩心中貝殼樣品穩定同位素和元素地球化學意義。2012年中華民國地球物理與地質年會暨學術研討會, 2012年5月17-18日, 國立中央大學, 中壢。
- 林豫農,李紅春*,扈治安,許鳳心,2012. 岩心OR2-1442- GC25稀酸可溶相元素地球化學反映250年來臺灣近海的環境變化。2012年中華民國地球物理與地質年會暨學術研討會, 2012年5月17-18日, 國立中央大學, 中壢。
- 鐘先怡,李紅春*,林殿順,劉娟,2012. Changes in the source and depositional environment of offshore sediments in NE Taiwan since AD1880: Geochemistry Record from OR2-1325-9G core(龜山島海域200年以來的沉積變化:岩心OR2-1325-9G記錄)。2012年中華民國地球物理與地質年會暨學術研討會, 2012年5月17-18日, 國立中央大學, 中壢。
- 陳冠樺,李紅春*,扈治安,許鳳心,2012. 岩心OR1-790 BC7所記錄的台中近海70年來之變化。2012年中華民國地球物理與地質年會暨學術研討會, 2012年5月17-18日, 國立中央大學, 中壢。
- 陳則喻,李紅春*,扈治安,許鳳心,2012. 臺灣近海岩心OR2-1559- GC8之地球化學特性判讀110年沉積環境的變化。2012年中華民國地球物理與地質年會暨學術研討會, 2012年5月17-18日, 國立中央大學, 中壢。
- 陳則喻,李紅春*,何哲豪,呂婉珺,2012. 頭份工業區地下水的元素地球化學特徵:尋找污染源的研究方法。2012年中華民國地球物理與地質年會暨學術研討會, 2012年5月17-18日, 國立中央大學, 中壢。
- 張育綺,李紅春*,沈川洲,陳晉平,吳銘志,2012. 福建天鵝洞石筍記錄顯示中國東南部地區中-晚全新世的氣候與環境變化。2012年中華民國地球物理與地質年會暨學術研討會, 2012年5月17-18日, 國立中央大學, 中壢。
- Hong-Chun Li*, Hua-Chun Yu, Chuan-Chou Shen, 2012. Holocene abrupt climatic changes in the NW monsoonal boundary area of China: Stalagmite records from Huangye Cave. The 21st International Radiocarbon Conference, 9-13 July 2012, UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France.
- Hong-Chun Li*, Peter C. Chu, Chenwu Fan, Speleothem Evidence for Temporal-Spatial Variation in East Asian Summer Monsoon since Medieval Warm Period. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, 22 – 27 April 2012, Vienna, Austria.
- Hong-Chun Li*, Xiaomei Xu, 2011. AMS 14C dating and stable isotopic composition of shell samples from the Taal Lake sediments in central Philippines. The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium, 16-18 December, 2011, Takeda Hall, The University of Tokyo.
- Hong-Chun Li*, Xiaomei Xu, Renato Umali Solidum Jr. 2011. Geochemical proxies from an 84-m long core of Taal Lake: Volcanic activity and environmental change during the past 6000 years. The 3rd Taiwan -Philippines Earth Sciences Conference. August 4-5, 2011, Taitung, Taiwan.
- Hsien-yi Chung, Hong-Chun Li*, Chi-Yu Lee, Chih-Kai Chuang. 2011. Minerals and textures of the Taal Lake sediments from central Philippines: Towards to understand geochemical proxies of Taal Volcanic activity. The 3rd Taiwan -Philippines Earth Sciences Conference. August 4-5, 2011, Taitung, Taiwan.
- Chia-Chia Hung, Hong-Chun Li*, Tz-Shing Kuo, Renato Umali Solidum Jr. 2011. d18O, d13C and trace elements in the gastropod and mollusk shells in Core TLS-B2 from Taal Lake of central Philippines. The 3rd Taiwan -Philippines Earth Sciences Conference. August 4-5, 2011, Taitung, Taiwan.
- Hong-Chun Li, 2011. Geochemical Proxies in the Taal Lake sediments for Reconstruction of Volcanic and Environmental History of Taal in Central Philippines During the Past 6 kyrs. The 8th Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS 2011), 8 to 12 August 2011, Taipei, Taiwan. (Oral)
- Hong-Chun Li, Juan Liu, 2011. Influence of Hydrothermal Activity and Environmental Change on Elemental Contents in the Taal Lake System of Central Philippines. The 8th Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS 2011), 8 to 12 August 2011, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Chris Ding-Jyun Lin, Chuan-Chou Shen, Li-Ping Zhou, Hong-Chun Li and Ting-Yong Li, 2011. Evaluation of temporal variability of dead carbon in a stalagmite from Furong Cave, Chongqing, China using coupled C-14 and Th-230 dating methods. The 8th Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS 2011), 8 to 12 August 2011, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Juan Liu, Yong-Heng Chen, Jin Wang, Hong-Chun Li, 2011. Thallium as a Potential Tracer for Heavy Metal Pollution from Smelting Activities in the Pearl River Basin, South China. The 8th Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS 2011), 8 to 12 August 2011, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Li, H.-C., Lee, Z.-H., Li, T.-Y., Lan, J. & Shen, C.C., 2011. Some thoughts about the Holocene d18O trend: comparison of stalagmite records and instrumental records from the Furong, Heshang and Dongge Cave areas. The 6th International Conference: Climate Change - The Karst Record. 26 - 29 June 2011, University of Birmingham, UK.
- Li, H.-C., Lan, J., Kuo, T.-S. , Lee, Z.-H. & Long, Y.-J., 2011. Vegetation change and karst rocky-desertification in Guizhou, China: Geochemical records of speleothem and soil profiles. The 6th International Conference: Climate Change - The Karst Record. 26 - 29 June 2011, University of Birmingham, UK.
- Hong-Chun Li, Chuan-Chou Shen, Miryam Bar-Matthews, Yuan-Ping Chang and Mei-Liang Zhang, 2011. To what extend speleothem d18O in eastern China interpreting summer monsoon strength: changes in rainfall intensity or moisture source? The 2nd Western Pacific Paleoceanography IMAGES Workshop: Land-Sea Linkage. 18 – 21 April 2011, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan. (Invited talk)
- Yu-Ting Hsiao, Hong-Chun Li*, Hui-Ling Lin and Chih-An Huh, 2011. Using instrumental records to calibrate the high-resolution d18O record of carbonates in sediment core 858-ST-11 from SW coast of Taiwan: flooding event during the past 120 years. The 2nd Western Pacific Paleoceanography IMAGES Workshop: Land-Sea Linkage. 18 – 21 April 2011, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan.
- 林鼎鈞,周力平,李紅春,李廷勇,沈川洲, 2011. Coupled C-14 and Th-230 dating method to evaluate temporal variability of stalagmite dead carbon in Furong Cave, Chongqing, China (用碳-14和鈾釷定年方法估計中國重慶芙蓉洞石筍中死碳的變化). 2011年中華民國地球物理與地質年會暨學術研討會, 2011年5月4-5日, 台灣科技大學, 台北。
- 劉娟,李紅春*,陳永亨,王津,宋剛, 2011. 粵北某鈾尾礦區地表水環境品質的初步研究(Preliminary study on environmental quality of surface waters in the surrounding area of a uranium mill site in northern Guangdong Province) . 2011年中華民國地球物理與地質年會暨學術研討會, 2011年5月4-5日, 台灣科技大學, 台北。
- 郭子興, 李紅春*, 2011. 菲律賓中部Taal湖地區過去500年來的環境變化:沉積物中有機碳d13C指示(The environmental changes of Taal Lake area in central Philippines during the past 500 years: d13C record of the organic carbon in the lake sediments) . 2011年中華民國地球物理與地質年會暨學術研討會, 2011年5月4-5日, 台灣科技大學, 台北。
- 余樺峻,李宗翰,李紅春*,2011.台南二仁溪養殖牡蠣重金屬濃度之研究調查。2011年中華民國地球物理與地質年會暨學術研討會, 2011年5月4-5日, 台灣科技大學, 台北。
- 李紅春,Xiao-Mei Xu, 溫大任, R. U. Solidum Jr., J. Sincioco, P. K. Alanis, 2011. 菲律賓中部Taal火山湖過去6千年以來的沉積特徵(The 6-kyr sedimentary features of Taal volcanic lake in central Philippines)。2011年中華民國地球物理與地質年會暨學術研討會, 2011年5月4-5日, 台灣科技大學, 台北。
- 李宗翰,李紅春*,張引, 2011. 二仁溪牡蠣養殖:影響因素和生長速率之研究。2011年中華民國地球物理與地質年會暨學術研討會, 2011年5月4-5日, 台灣科技大學, 台北。
- 邱靖堯, 李紅春*, 林慧玲, 扈治安, 2011. 台灣西南海域岩心OR1-858-11地球化學特徵。2011年中華民國地球物理與地質年會暨學術研討會, 2011年5月4-5日, 台灣科技大學, 台北。
- Hong-Chun Li, Xioamei Xu, John Southon, R. U. Solidum Jr., J. Sincioco, P. K. Alanis, N. Campita, 2011. AMS radiocarbon dating on the Taal Lake cores of central Philippines. Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Conference 12 (AMS-12), 20-25 March 2011, Wellington, New Zealand. (Oral)
- Hong-Chun Li, Miryam Bar-Matthews, Nai-Jung Wan, Dao-Xian Yuan, Hai Cheng, Avner Ayalon, Mei-Liang Zhang, 2010. Speleothem d18O and d13C records from Fengyu Cave in south Guilin of China: Climate and environmental changes during the past 65 Ka. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 13-17, 2010, San Francisco, USA.
- Hong-Chun Li, Isabel Israde Alcantara, James L. Bischoff, Tz-Shing Kuo, Victor Hugo Garduño-Monroy, 2010. Reconstruction of paleoclimate and paleoenvironment in south central Mexico during the past 45 Ka by using geochemical proxies from Lake Cuitzeo sediments. 2010 The Meeting of the Americas (AGU), 8–13 August 2010, Rafain Hotel and Convention Center, Foz do Iguaçu - PR, Brazil.
- 張引,黃愛玲,李宗翰,李紅春,劉景毅, 2010. 牡蠣養殖對淨化水質與封存二氧化碳效益之初步研究。 第32屆海洋工程研討會, 11/2010, 國立臺灣海洋大學, 基隆。
- 張引,李宗翰,黃愛玲,李紅春,楊瑞源,劉景毅,黃煌煇, 2010. 應用養殖牡蠣淨化河口水質、固存二氧化碳與防護海岸侵蝕之可行性研究。 2010水利產業研討會, 10/2010, 國立成功大學, 台南。
- Rudaya N., Li H.-C., Andreev A., Kalugin I., Daryin A., Lee Z.-H., 2010. Environmental changes in the northern Russian Altai during late Holocene derived from Lake Teletskoye sediment cores. The 8th European Palaeobotany - Palynology Conference, July 6-10, 2010, Budapest, Hungary.
- Hong-Chun Li, 2010. An overview on “Study of CO2 capture, conversion, storage and reuse through the coastal ocean of Taiwan: The biological pump”. Abstract volume of International Conference of “Carbon Cycle, Biological Pumping And CO2 Sequestration In Coastal Oceans”, June 28-July 01, NCKU, Tainan, Taiwan.
- Ziqi Liu, Kangning Xiong, Hong-Chun Li, Bin Ying, 2010. The d13C value of new carbonate samples from different caves: implications of the rank of karst desertification. Abstract volume of International Conference of “Carbon Cycle, Biological Pumping And CO2 Sequestration In Coastal Oceans”, June 28-July 01, NCKU, Tainan, Taiwan.
- Ai-Ling Huang, Tsung-Han Lee, Yin Chang, Hong-Chun Li*, 2010. Investigation of heavy metal concentrations in the cultured oyster system in Er-Jen Stream, Tainan. Abstract volume of International Conference of “Carbon Cycle, Biological Pumping And CO2 Sequestration In Coastal Oceans”, June 28-July 01, NCKU, Tainan, Taiwan.
- Chin-Yao Chiu, Tzu-Shing Kuo, Hui-Ling Lin, Tsung-Han Lee, Hong-Chun Li*, 2010. d13C, d15N isotopes and C/N ratios in the sediments collected from sediment traps and gravity cores in the southwest coastal ocean of Taiwan. Abstract volume of International Conference of “Carbon Cycle, Biological Pumping And CO2 Sequestration In Coastal Oceans”, June 28-July 01, NCKU, Tainan, Taiwan.
- Hong-Chun Li, Hsieh-Yi Lia, Chih-Chung Li, Choung-Joung Chen, 2010. Some Insights from stable isotopes and elemental concentrations in rainwater of Southwestern Taiwan: Effects of rainfall amount, typhoon and storm track. 2010 AGU Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, June 22-25, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Megan Chen, Hong-Chun Li*, 2010. C and N isotopes, C/N ratios, minerals and geochemical features of surface sediments from Shihmen Reservoir in northern Taiwan for identifying fine particle sources. 2010 AGU Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, June 22-25, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Hua-Chun Yu, Ai-Ling Huang, Hong-Chun Li*, 2010. C and N isotopes of oysters form western Taiwan: preliminary study of biological pump for CO2 sequestration. 2010 AGU Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, June 22-25, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Zhong-Han Lee, Zi-Qi Liu, Hong-Chun Li*, 2010. Carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions in water, speleothem, soil and vegetation from Yelang Cave system: a systematic study of climatic and environmental change in central Guizhou, China. 2010 AGU Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, June 22-25, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Tz-Shing Kuo, Hong-Chun Li*, 2010. Calibrating nitrogen isotope and content measured by EA/Conflo-IRMS and removing CO interference by liquid nitrogen method. 2010 AGU Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, June 22-25, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Nai-Jung Wan, Hong-Chun Li*, 2010. Spatial Evolution of Speleothem d18O Records from Eastern China during the last Millennium: Comparison with other Terrestrial and Historical Records. 2010 AGU Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, June 22-25, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Natalia Rudaya, Hong-Chun Li*, Tz-Shing Kuo, 2010. Paleoclimatic conditions of Central Asia during the past 12 kyrs reflected by carbon isotopes of pollen grains in the Hoton-Nur Lake sediments from the Mongolian Altai. 2010 AGU Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, June 22-25, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Ping-Mei Liew, Hong-Chun Li, 2010. δ13C of TOC in a peat sequence from Toushe Basin of central Taiwan and its paleoclimatic significance. 2010 AGU Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, June 22-25, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Peter C. Chu, Hong-Chun Li, 2010. Temporal and spatial variation of d18O in China since medieval warm period. 2010 AGU Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, June 22-25, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Hong-Chun Li, 2010. Some concerns about the influence of East Asian Summer Monsoon on climatic conditions in Asian Continent. Western Pacific Paleoceanography Workshop I: Future Challenge. Jan. 11-14th, 2010, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan.
- Hong-Chun Li, Isabel Israde Alcantara, James L. Bischoff, Da-Ren Wen, Victor Hugo Garduño-Monroy. 2009. Acid-leachable Li and Mg from Lake Cuitzeo sediments in the central Mexico: Paleoclimate change during the past 45 Ka. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 14-18, 2009, San Francisco, USA. (Oral presentation)
- Tz-Shing Kuo, James L. Bischoff, Isabel Israde Alcantara, Victor Hugo Garduno-Monroy, Hong-Chun Li*. 2009. Organic carbon contents and isotopic compositions in the Lake Cuitzeo sediments from the central Mexico during the past 45 Ka: Changes in lake level and climate. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 14-18, 2009, San Francisco, USA.
- Zhong-Han Lee, Zi-Qi Liu, Hong-Chun Li*, Chuan-Chou Shen. 2009. Climate and human impacts on vegetation changes in central Guizhou, China: Carbon and oxygen isotopic records in a stalagmite from Yelang Cave. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 14-18, 2009, San Francisco, USA.
- Hong-Chun Li, Xiaomei Xu, Da-Ren Wen, Nai-Jung Wan, Tz-Shing Kuo, Renato Umali Solidum Jr., Jaime Sincioco, Paul Karson B. Alanis, Nora Campita. 2009. A summary of geochemical study on Taal Lake system: Searching proxies for detecting of Taal volcano eruptions. The 2nd Regional Conference on Geological and Geo-Resources Engineering Research in ASEAN & the Philippines-Taiwan Earth Sciences Conference. August 27 - 28, 2009, Heritage Hotel, Manila, Philippines. (Session chair)
- Hong-Chun Li, De’er Zhang, Teh-Lung Ku, 2009. On Linking Climate to Chinese Dynastic Change: Spatial and Temporal Variations of Monsoonal Rain. The 6th general meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, 11 - 15 August, 2009, Suntec International Convention & Exhibition Centre, Singapore. (Invited talk)
- 李紅春, 2009. 東亞季風區洞穴石筍氧同位素記錄之含義。海峡两岸研讨会:板块聚合构造与稳定地台自然资源,国立成功大学,2009,6,30,台南。
- 李紅春, 2009. 菲律賓Taal火山湖地球化學體系及其60年來的變化 (Geochemical system of Taal Lake in central Philippines and its variation during the past 60 years). 2009年臺灣地質年會,May 5-6, 2009,國立中正大學,嘉義,臺灣。(Oral presentation, Session chair)
- 郭子興,李紅春*,萬乃容,沈川洲,2009. 貴州中西部一千年來的氣候和環境變化記錄:石筍ZJD-21記錄(Climate and environmental changes during the past millennium in central western Guizhou:Stalagmite ZJD-21 record). 2009年臺灣地質年會,May 5-6, 2009,國立中正大學,嘉義,臺灣。
- 李仲弘, 李紅春*, 萬乃容, 沈川洲, 李廷勇, 袁道先, 陳永亨, 2009. 長江中上游地區過去6000年以來的氣候變化:重慶芙蓉洞石筍記錄(Climate variability of mid-upper Yangtze River region during the past 6000 years reflected by stalagmite records from Furong Cave, Chongqing). 2009年臺灣地質年會,May 5-6, 2009,國立中正大學,嘉義,臺灣。
- 李紅春, 2009. 從器測、歷史和石筍記錄說明年-十年尺度上東亞季風與降雨的關係. 國科會海洋學門成果發表會, 4/13-4/15, 2009, 花蓮, 台湾。(Oral presentation)
- Hong-Chun Li, Xiaomei Xu, Nai-Jung Wan, Tz-Shing Kuo, Nora Campita, Bartolome C. Bautista, 2009. Stable isotopic records of lake sediments from Taal Lake in central Philippines during the past 60 years. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 19 - 24 April 2009. (Oral presentation)
- Zi-Qi Liu, Hong-Chun Li*, Dao-Xian Yuan, 2009. Relationship between speleothem δ13C and karst-desertification in western Guizhou. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 19 - 24 April 2009.
- 李紅春, 龍雨嬌, 徐曉梅, 高彥芳, 劉子琦, 2008. 貴州安順土壤剖面之δ13C和 δ15N反映3000年以來植被變化與人類活動的影響(The δ13C and δ15N variations in a soil profile of Anshun, Guizhou: indication of vegetation change and human impact during the late Holocene). 全國穩定同位素技術生態系統應用學術研討會, 10/26-28/2008,杭州,中國。(Oral presentation)
- Hong-Chun Li, Xiaomei Xu, 2008. Dating Taal Lake sediment of Philippines by using the bomb radiocarbon curve. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 14-19, 2008, San Francisco, USA.
- Zi-Qi Liu, Hong-Chun Li*, Chuan-Chou Shen, Tz-Shing Kuo, Naijung Wan, Shangde Luo, 2008. Annual-to-decadal resolution speleothem records from Zhijin Cave in the central western Guizhou of China: Changes in climate, environment and human activity during the past 1200 years. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 14-19, 2008, San Francisco, USA.
- Hong-Chun Li, 2008. 貴州洞穴石筍記錄以及器測和歷史記錄: 東亞季風氣候的空間變化(Speleothem, Instrumental and Historic Records in Guizhou: Spatial Variability of the East Asian Monsoon)。2008年臺灣地質及地球物理年會,2008/5/7~8, 國立成功大學,台南。(Oral presentation)
- 鐘瑋琳,林慧玲,李紅春*,沈川洲,2008. 貴州龍泉洞石筍L12記錄反映的氣候和環境變化(Climatic and environmental variations reflected by stalagmite L12 record from Dragon Spring Cave of Guizhou)。2008年臺灣地質及地球物理年會,2008/5/7~8, 國立成功大學,台南。
- 萬乃容,鐘瑋琳,李紅春*,林慧玲,沈川洲,袁道先,張美良,林玉石,2008. 長時間尺度石筍氧同位素記錄與太陽日照變化的對應關係(The long-term relationship between speleothem d18O records from Libo and solar insolation)。2008年臺灣地質及地球物理年會,2008/5/7~8, 國立成功大學,台南。
- 李仲弘,李紅春*,李廷勇,王津,2008. 中國重慶芙蓉洞霰石石筍的形成以及其穩定同位素涵義(Formation of aragonite stalagmites and their stable isotopes in Furong Cave, Chongqing, China)。2008年臺灣地質及地球物理年會,2008/5/7~8, 國立成功大學,台南。
- 郭子興,李紅春*,羅尚德,沈川洲,2008. 貴州織金洞石筍中過去數百年的氣候和環境變化記錄(Climate and environmental changes during the past several hundred years recorded by a stalagmite from Zhijin Cave in Guizhou)。2008年臺灣地質及地球物理年會,2008/5/7~8, 國立成功大學,台南。
- Hong-Chun Li, Chih-an Huh, Shangde Luo, Ziqi Liu, Yinnai Lu, Jin Wang, 2008. Complications of 210Pb dating on cave deposits. Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Climate Change: Karst Records (KR5). June 2-4, 2008. Chongqing, China. (Oral presentation)
- Hong-Chun Li, Zi-Qi Liu, Daoxian Yuan, Hai Cheng, Chuan-Chou Shen, Naijung Wan, Tz-Shing Kuo, Huilin Lin, Weiling Chung, 2008. Impact of climatic conditions and human activities on karst desertification during Holocene in Guizhou: speleothem records from four caves. Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Climate Change: Karst Records (KR5). June 2-4, 2008. Chongqing, China. (Oral presentation)
- K. S.Woo, K.N. Jo, H.-C. Li, S. Luo, N.-J. Wan, and Y.-J. Tsai, 2008. Paleoclimatic records since 600 AD from the calcite stalagmite in Yongcheon Cave, Jeju Island, Korea: Implications for paleotemperature reconstruction. Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Climate Change: Karst Records (KR5). June 2-4, 2008. Chongqing, China.
- Li Jun-yun; Li Hong-Chun*; Liu Zi-qi; Li Ting-yong; Gao Yan-fang, 2008. Response of trace element ratio in soda straw to climate and environmental changes in central western Guizhou, China. Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Climate Change: Karst Records (KR5). June 2-4, 2008. Chongqing, China.
- GAO Yanfang, LI Hong-Chun*, YUAN Daoxian, SHEN Licheng, 2008. Geological implications of geochemical features of spring water in Jinfo Mountains, Chongqing. Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Climate Change: Karst Records (KR5). June 2-4, 2008. Chongqing, China.
- Tingyong Li, Chuanchou Shen, Hong-Chun Li*, Hong Wei, L.R. Edwards, Daoxian Yuan, Jianli Wang, 2008. Evolution of Asia Monsoon since the Last Glacial: Stalagmite records from Furong cave, Chongqing, China. Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Climate Change: Karst Records (KR5). June 2-4, 2008. Chongqing, China.
- Naijung Wan, Weiling Chung, Hong-Chun Li*, Huilin Lin, Chuanchou Shen, Daoxian Yuan, Meiliang Zhang, Yushi Lin, 2008. The long-term relationship between speleothem d18O records from Libo and solar insolation. Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Climate Change: Karst Records (KR5). June 2-4, 2008. Chongqing, China.
- Huilin Lin, Weiling Chung, Hong-Chun Li, Chuanchou Shen, Naijung Wan, Meiliang Zhang, Yushi Lin, 2008. Climate and vegetation shifts between early and late Holocene in south Guizhou reflected by carbon and oxygen isotope records of a stalagmite from Dragon Spring Cave in Libo, China. Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Climate Change: Karst Records (KR5). June 2-4, 2008. Chongqing, China.
- Ziqi Liu, Hong-Chun Li*, Tz-Shing Kuo, Jin Wang, Shangde Luo, 2008. Speleothem carbon isotope records reflect human impact on karst-desertification in central western Guizhou, China. Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Climate Change: Karst Records (KR5). June 2-4, 2008. Chongqing, China.
- Zhong-Hong Lee, Hong-Chun Li*, Ting-Yong Li, Jin Wang, 2008. Formation of aragonite stalagmites and their stable isotopes in Furong Cave, Chongqing, China. Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Climate Change: Karst Records (KR5). June 2-4, 2008. Chongqing, China.
- Tz-Shing Kuo, Hong-Chun Li*, Ziqi Liu, Chuanchou Shen, Shangde Luo, 2008. Climate and environmental changes during the past several hundred years in west Central Guizhou recorded by a stalagmite. Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Climate Change: Karst Records (KR5). June 2-4, 2008. Chongqing, China.
- Wu Xudong, Li Hong-Chun*, Xu Xiaomei, Yanfang Gao, Li Junyun, 2008. Variations of carbon and nitrogen isotopes and element contents in a paleosol profile in Chongqing Karst Region: Their implications of Paleoclimate and Paleoenvironment. Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Climate Change: Karst Records (KR5). June 2-4, 2008. Chongqing, China.
- Yu-Jiao Long, Hong-Chun Li*, Xiaomei Xu, Zi-Qi Liu, 2008. Environmental contamination recorded by elemental concentrations and d15N values of a soil profile in karst region of central Guizhou, China. Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Climate Change: Karst Records (KR5). June 2-4, 2008. Chongqing, China.
- K. Woo, K. Jo, H.-C. Li, S. Luo, N.-J. Wan, B. Suk, B. Park, 2007. Little ice age and global warming trends recorded in the late Holocene stalagmite from the Yongcheon lava tube cave in Jeju Island, Korea. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 10-14, 2007, San Francisco, USA.
- Hong-Chun Li, Zi-Qi Liu and Jun-Yun Li, 2007. Study on Mg/Sr paleo-thermometer in speleothem: Mg source effect. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 10-14, 2007, San Francisco, USA. (Oral presentation)
- 李紅春, 2007. 末次盛冰期東亞季風氣候區的滯後—石筍記錄證據。海峽兩岸邊緣海地質與資源環境效應學術研討會,2007年11月26-30,中國廣州。
- 吳旭東, 李紅春*, 劉子琦, 王勇, 李廷勇, 高彥芳, 李俊雲, 2007. 三峽庫區穩定同位素地球化學背景及其氣候、環境意義。海峽兩岸邊緣海地質與資源環境效應學術研討會,2007年11月26-30,中國廣州。
- 龍雨嬌,李紅春*,劉子琦,吳旭東, 2007. 貴州大氣降水穩定同位素特徵及其與季風的關連。海峽兩岸邊緣海地質與資源環境效應學術研討會,2007年11月26-30,中國廣州。
- Hong-Chun Li, 2007. Holocene Climate changes in the monsoonal regions of China: Speleothem records. Workshop on Climatic and Environmental Changes in the East Asia since the Last 2,000 Years. November 2, 2007, 臺灣大學全球變遷研究中心,臺北。
- Petryshyn, Victoria A., Berelson, Will, Corsetti, Frank A., Li, Hong-Chun, and Bailey, Jake V., 2007. The Morphogenesis of Walker Lake, Nevada Stromatolites. 2007 GSA Annual Meeting, 28–31 October 2007, Denver, Colorado, USA.
- Hong-Chun Li,2007. Preliminary Results of Geochemistry Investigation on Lake Taal, Central Philippines. 2007年臺灣地球科學科研學術聯合研討會,2007年5月15-18日,臺灣桃園中壢龍潭科技園區。
- Tung-Yen Yu, Li-Jung Huang, Chia-Ju Chieh, Yu-Chun Chen, Ying-Nan Lu, Hong-Chun Li*,2007. Geochemistry Of Tseng-Wen Reservoir: Comparison With Lake Taal. 2007年臺灣地球科學科研學術聯合研討會,2007年5月15-18日,臺灣桃園中壢龍潭科技園區。
- 萬乃容, 李紅春*, 沈川洲, 扈治安, 2007. 用石筍氧同位素紀錄論1000~5000年間中國季風氣候變化。2007年台湾地球科学科研学术联合研讨会,2007年5月15-18日,台湾桃园中坜龙潭科技园区。
- Hong-Chun Li, 2007. The 20kyr Lake Record of Salton Basin: Applications of AMS 14C, d18O, d13C and d87Sr on the Lake Tufa Deposits. 23rd annual Pacific Climate (PACLIM) workshop, May 13-17, 2007, Pacific Grove, CA, USA. (Invited talk)
- Hong-Chun Li, H. Cheng, R. L. Edwards, D.-X. Yuan, M.-L. Zhang and Y.-S. Lin, 2007. Paleomonsoon and paleoenvironment changes during the past 3000 years in Guizhou, China: speleothem d18O and d13C records. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 15 - 19 April 2007.
- Ziqi Liu, Junyun Li, Hong-Chun Li*,2007. Implications of stable isotopes and elemental ratios in modern soda-straws from Zhijin Cave, Guizhou, China. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 15 - 19 April 2007.
- Jo, K.N., Woo, K.S., Li, H.-C., Luo, S., Wan, N.-J., 2007. Preliminary study on stable isotopes and LA-ICPMS elemental ratios of a young stalagmite from Yongcheon Cave in Jeju Island, Korea. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 15 - 19 April 2007.
- Hong-Chun Li, Xiaomei Xu, 2006. Significances of Radiocarbon Dating on Lake Deposits in Salton Basin, California. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 7-12, 2006, San Francisco, USA.
- 李紅春、游鎮烽、萬乃容、Mira Bar-Matthews, 2006. The time lag of the last glacial maximum (LGM) in the East Asian monsoonal region—Evidence from speleothem records (末次盛冰期東亞季風氣候區的滯後—石筍記錄證據). 『古環境變遷與天然氣水合物新能源探勘』學術紀念研討會, November 2-4, 2006, National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan (台湾成功大学,台南)。
- 李紅春, 2006. Progress in speleothem study (洞穴碳酸鹽記錄的研究進展). The 9th National Conference of Quaternary Science of China (第九屆中國第四紀學術大會),October 9-11, 2006, Nanjing, China.
- 李紅春,2006. Instrumental, Historic and Speleothem records about East Asian Monsoon (有關東亞季風的器測,歷史和石筍記錄). The 11th Symposium on Quaternary of Taiwan (第十一屆「台灣之第四紀」研討會),September 21-23, 2006, National Hualian Education University, Taiwan (台湾花蓮教育大學). (Invited talk)
- Hong-Chun Li, Xiaomei Xu, Teh-Lung Ku, and Chen-Feng You, 2006. Comparisons of North American Monsoon with East Asian Monsoon using lake tufa and speleothem records across the Pacific over the last 20 ka: Similarities and discrepancies. Abstract for 2006 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, July 24-27, 2006, Beijing, China. (Invited talk)
- Nai-Jung Wan, Hong-Chun Li*, Chen-Feng You, Chi-An Huh, Zhi-Bang Ma, 2006. Comparison of LA-HR-ICPMS Mg/Sr Ratios With d18O and d13C Records in a Stalagmite from Beijing, China: Implication for Paleomonsoon Study. Abstract for 2006 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, July 24-27, 2006, Beijing, China.
- Pingzhong Zhang, Hai Cheng, Xunlin Yang, Fahu Chen, Yongjin Wang, Hongchun Li, 2006. High-resolution Stalagmite d18O Record of Asian Summer Monsoon Variability During the past Millennium. Abstract for 2006 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, July 24-27, 2006, Beijing, China.
- Ting-Yong Li, Hong-Chun Li*, Dao-Xian Yuan, Yan Yang, Jian-Li Wang, Xin-Ya Wang, Jun-yun Li, Jia-Ming Qin, Mei-Liang Zhang, Yu-Shi Lin, 2006. A 4500-year high-resolution climatic record from a stalagmite in Xinyan Cave, Chongqing, China. Abstract for 2006 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, July 24-27, 2006, Beijing, China.
- Zi-Qi Liu, Jun-Yun Li, Hong-Chun Li*, 2006. Preliminary Study on the Natural Background of Karst-Desertification in Guizhou, China: Evidence From Speleothem, Historic and Instrumental Records During the Past 1000 Years. Abstract for 2006 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, July 24-27, 2006, Beijing, China.
- Jun-Yun Li, Hong-Chun Li*, Ziqi Liu, Xiaomei Xu, Xiao He, Yan-Fang Gao, 2006. Speleothem d13C and d18O as Proxy Indicators for Karst-Desertification in Guizhou, China. Abstract for 2006 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, July 24-27, 2006, Beijing, China.
- Li-Cheng Shen, Dao-Xian Yuan, Hong-Chun Li, Shi-You Xie, Duo-Xin He, 2006. Geochemical Characteristics of Geothermal Fluid and Their Geological Implications in Xianshui Rive Fracture Zone of Northwest of Sichuang Province. Abstract for 2006 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, July 24-27, 2006, Beijing, China.
- Hong-Chun Li, Chi-An Huh, Dao-Xian Yuan, Ting-Yong Li, Nai-Jung Wan, 2006. Examining speleothem d18O and d13C response to precipitation and temperature changes. Proceedings of the symposium “Climate Change: The Karst Record (IV)”, May 26-29, 2006, Baile Herculane, Romania, p. 133. (Oral presentation)
- Zai-Hua Liu, Hong-Chun Li, Chen-Feng You, Nai-Jung Wan, Hong Sun, 2006. Thickness and stable isotopic characteristics of modern seasonal climate-controlled sub-annual travertine laminae in a travertine-depositing stream at Baishuitai, SW China: implications for paleoclimate reconstruction. Proceedings of the symposium “Climate Change: The Karst Record (IV)”, May 26-29, 2006, Baile Herculane, Romania, p. 15.
- Ting-Yong Li, Dao-Xian Yuan, Hong-Chun Li*, Jian-Li Wang, Xin-Ya Wang, Jia-Ming Qin, Mei-Liang Zhang, Yu-Shi Lin, 2006. High-resolution climate variability of northeastern Chongqing, China during 60-70 Ka reflected by a stalagmite d18O record from Xinyan Cave. Proceedings of the symposium “Climate Change: The Karst Record (IV)”, May 26-29, 2006, Baile Herculane, Romania, p. 135.
- Nai-Jung Wan, Hong-Chun Li*, Chen-Feng You, Chi-An Huh, 2006. High-resolution stable isotope and elemental ratio records in a stalagmite from Beijing, China: Uncovering the climatic proxies in speleothem. Proceedings of the symposium “Climate Change: The Karst Record (IV)”, May 26-29, 2006, Baile Herculane, Romania, p. 174.
- Xiao He, Jian-Li Wang, Hong-Chun Li*, Hai Cheng, Dao-Xian Yuan, 2006. Growth pattern and depositional feature of stalagmites in the karst region of Chongqing, SW China: Climatic implications. Proceedings of the symposium “Climate Change: The Karst Record (IV)”, May 26-29, 2006, Baile Herculane, Romania, p. 31.
- Zi-Qi Liu, Hong-Chun Li*, Dao-Xian Yuan, 2006. The comparisons of speleothem d18O record with historic and instrumental records in Southwest China: Questions regarding climate implications of speleothem d18O. Proceedings of the symposium “Climate Change: The Karst Record (IV)”, May 26-29, 2006, Baile Herculane, Romania, p. 141.
- Yun Cao, Hong-Chun Li*, Zai-Hua Liu, Dao-Xian Yuan, Li-Cheng Shen, 2006. Geochemistry of warm spring water in North Springs of Chongqing: Water source and its relation to travertine formation in the past. Proceedings of the symposium “Climate Change: The Karst Record (IV)”, May 26-29, 2006, Baile Herculane, Romania, p. 13.
- H.-C. Li, C.-F. You, T.-L. Ku, X.-M. Xu, and N.-J. Wan,2005, Variability of North American Monsoon During the Past 20 Kyr Reflected by d18O, d13C, 87Sr/86Sr and Mg/Sr in Lacustrine Deposits in Salton Basin, California. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 10-12, 2005, San Francisco.
- H.-C. Li, L. D. Stott, C.-F. You, D.-X. Yuan, R. L. Edwards, H. Cheng, M. Bar-Matthews, M.-L. Zhang, and N.-J. Wan, 2005. Paleomonsoon Variability in Southeastern China since the Last Glacial reflected by speleothem records. PAGES Second Open Science Meeting, 10-12 August 2005, Beijing, China.
- Ashish Sinha, K. G. Cannariato, L. D. Stott, and H.-C. Li, 2005. Possible Solar Forcing of Late Holocene Mega-Droughts in India. Italy.
- H.-C. Li, C.-F. You, T.-L. Ku, N.-J. Wan,J.-Y. Chen, M.-L. Shen, and M.-D. Li, 2005. Holocene Variability of Subtropical Monsoon Reflected by Speleothem and Tufa Records. Taiwan Geological Society Annual Meeting, JhongLi, Taoyuan, Taiwan, May 19-20, 2005.
- N.-J. Wan,H.-C. Li*, J.-Y. Chen, Z.-H. Liu, and M.-L. Shen, 2005. Stable Isotopes and trace elements of travertine in Baishuitai area, SW China. Taiwan Geological Society Annual Meeting, JhongLi, Taoyuan, Taiwan, May 19-20, 2005.
- H.-C. Li, 2005. Paleomonsoon Activity in Eastern China since the LGM: Speleothem Records. NSF ESH Holocene Projects PI meeting, Washington DC, May 17-19, 2005. (Oral presentation)
- K. G. Cannariato, Ashish Sinha, L. D. Stott, H.-C. Li, 2005. Century-Scale Mega-Droughts in India During the Holocene. NSF ESH Holocene Projects PI meeting, Washington DC, May 17-19, 2005.
- H.-C. Li, C.-F. You, T.-L. Ku, X.-M. Xu, M.-L. Shen, 2005. Sr and O isotopic compositions and water chemistry in Salton Basin, California: implications for changes in water source and paleoclimate. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 24 - 29 April 2005.
- N.-J. Wan, C.-F. You, H.-C. Li, C.-H. Chung, M.-D. Li, 2005. Calibration of Ba/Ca in coral as a proxy of riverine sedimentary flux in south Taiwan. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 24 - 29 April 2005.
- H.-C. Li, T.-L. Ku, C.-F. You, H. Cheng, and R. L. Edwards, 2004. Reconstructed Sr isotope of surface sediments above limestone caves from 87Sr/86Sr and Sr/Ca in speleothems: A paleoclimate proxy. GSA annual meeting, Nov. 7-10, 2004, Denver, CO. (Invited talk)
- T.-L. Ku, H.-C. Li, and C.-F. You, 2004. Holocene variability of the monsoonal climate in central China indicated by multi-proxy records in a speleothem. GSA annual meeting, Nov. 7-10, 2004, Denver, CO.
- H.-C. Li, C.-F. You, and H. Cheng, 2004. Applications of Sr isotopes in Speleothems to paleoclimate study. High-resolution paleoclimate records and isotope geology in China, Guilin, China, September 21-23, 2004. (Invited talk)
- C.-F. You and H.-C. Li, 2004. High-resolution trace element records in speleothems as paleoclimate proxy: laser-ablation ICPMS analysis. High-resolution paleoclimate records and isotope geology in China, Guilin, China, September 21-23, 2004.
- H.-C. Li, 2003. Stable isotopes and trace metals in lake studies. Lake Qinghai workshop: “Scientific drilling at Lake Qinghai in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau: High-resolution paleoenvironmental records of eastern Asia linked to global change”, October 20-24, 2003, Xining, China. (Oral presentation)
- H.-C. Li and T.-L. Ku, 2003. Characterizing climate variations in central China during MIS 5 from isotopic and petrographic signals in a stalagmite. The Karst Record III: Global change. May 11-18, 2003, Montpellier, France. (Oral presentation)
- H.-C. Li, 2003. A 20-kyr climatic and hydrological history of Salton Basin, California recorded by geochemical proxies in lacustrine deposits. Desert Symposium, The 2003 Desert Symposium, April 18-21, 2003, Desert Studies Center, Zzyzx, California. (Oral presentation)
- H.-C. Li, T.-L. Ku, X.-M. Xu, R. Peters, and H. P. Buchheim, 2003. Hydrologic and climatic variations in the Salton Basin, California between 1,400 and 16,500 14C yr BP as read from geochemical signals in lake deposits. Abstract for 3rd International Limnogeology Congress, March 29 - April 2, Tucson, AZ.
- H.-C. Li, T.-L. Ku, H. P. Buchheim and X.-M. Xu, 2003. Hydrologic changes of Salton Sea during the late Holocene: evidence from radiocarbon and isotopic records. Abstract for 20th Pacific Climate Workshop, April 6-9, 2003, Pacific Grove, CA.
- H.-C. Li and T.-L. Ku, 2002. Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm periods in Eastern China as read from the speleothem records. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 6-10, 2002, San Francisco. (Invited talk)
- H.-C. Li, T.-L. Ku, D.-X. Yuan, Z.-B. Ma, and Z.-Y. Zhu, 2002. Paleoclimatic Interpretation of Stable Isotope Signals in Speleothems. Sixth International Symposium on the Geochemistry of the Earth’s Surface, May 20-24, 2002, Hawaii.
- R. Peters, H.-C. Li, P. H. Buchheim, and L. D. Stott, 2002. High resolution stable isotope record in Quaternary Lake Cahuilla tufa: Evidence of paleoclimatic change. 19th annual Pacific Climate (PACLIM) workshop, March 3-7, 2002, CA.
- H.-C. Li, 2001. Climate teleconnection between two sides across the Pacific during the past 1000 years. Earth System Processes, GAS global meeting, June 24–28, 2001, Edinburgh, Scotland.
- H.-C. Li, T.-L. Ku, and J. L. Bischoff, 2001. Climate variability in the western Great Basin recorded by geochemical signals in closed-basin lake sediments. GSA/AAPG 97th Annual Meeting, April 9-11, 2001, Universal City, California.
- H.-C. Li, T.-L. Ku, and D. E. Paulsen, 2001. Difference in climate between eastern China and western Great Basin during the past 1000 years. 18th annual Pacific Climate (PACLIM) workshop, March 18-21, 2001, PACLIM 2001 abstracts.
- H.-C. Li, 2000. Climate Variability During the Past 1000 Years in the Great Basin Reflected by Geochemical Signals in Closed-Basin Lake Sediments. Extended abstract for Workshop of “Impacts of Climate Change on Landscapes of the Eastern Sierra Nevada & Western Great Basin”. Bishop, CA, Sept. 29—Oct. 1, 2000. (Oral presentation)
- H.-C. Li, T.-L. Ku, R. L. Edwards, D.-X. Yuan, and D. Paulsen, 2000. A 600-yr Temperature Record in China Derived from High-Resolution d18O Signals in Stalagmites from Three Caves. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco.
- H.-C. Li, and T.-L. Ku, 2000: Climatic Variability in Northwestern Great Basin During the Last Millennium: Geochemical Records from Harney and Alkali Lake Sediments. Proc. 17th annual Pacific Climate (PACLIM) workshop, May 22-25, PACLIM 2000 abstracts.
- H.-C. Li, J. L. Bischoff, T.-L. Ku, S. P. Lund, and L. D. Stott, 1999: Climatic variability in eastern central California during the past 1000 years: Geochemical and isotopic records of Owens Lake sediments. USGS Bear Lake workshop, Sept. 21-25, 1999.
- H.-C. Li, Z.-Y. Zhu, T.-L. Ku, and L. D. Stott, 1999: Climate Variability in the Northwestern Tibetan Plateau During 15 — 250 ka Reconstructed by Sedimentary and Isotopic Records of Lake Tianshuihai, China. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 81, p F586.
- T.-L. Ku, H.-C. Li, S. P. Lund, and L. D. Stott, 1999: Lake Level and Climate Changes in the Mono Basin of California During the Last Millennia: Reconstructed by High-Resolution Stable Isotope Records. Proc. 16th annual Pacific Climate (PACLIM) workshop, PACLIM 99 abstracts.
- H.-C. Li, J. L. Bischoff, T.-L. Ku, S. P. Lund, L. D. Stott and J. P. Smoot, 1999: Climatic variability in eastern central California during the past 1300 years: Geochemical and isotopic records of Owens Lake sediments. Proc. 16th annual Pacific Climate (PACLIM) workshop, PACLIM 99 abstracts.
- H.-C. Li, T.-L. Ku, and L. D. Stott, 1998: Stalagmite d18O and d13C record temperature and vegetation changes in China during the last 500 years. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 80, p F465.
- H.-C. Li, D.-X. Yuan, Y.-S. Lin, and L.-D. Stott, 1998: Anthropogenic influences on global and regional carbon cycles recorded in the d13C of speleothems. A joint meeting of Friends of Karst and The International Geological Correlation Program Project 379: "Karst Processes and the Global Carbon Cycle", September 23-25, 1998, Bowling Green and Mammoth Cave, Kentucky.
- H.-C. Li, T.-L. Ku, D.-X. Yuan, and W.-J. Chen, 1998: Stable isotope and trace metal records of speleothem as paleoclimate proxies. Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol. 43, Abstracts of The Ninth International Conference on Geochronology, Cosmochronology and Isotope Geology (ICOG-9), August 20-26, 1998, Beijing, China, p.72.
- T.-L. Ku and H.-C. Li, 1998: Closed-basin lakes as paleoclimate recorders: Geochemical studies of Great Basin, Southwestern U.S. Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol. 43, Abstracts of The Ninth International Conference on Geochronology, Cosmochronology and Isotope Geology (ICOG-9), August 20-26, 1998, Beijing, China, p.68.
- G.-M. Yin, H.-C. Li, T.-L. Ku, and W.-J. Chen, 1998: Holocene sediment chronology and climate changes in Changbaishan mountain, Jilin Province, China. Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol. 43, Abstracts of The Ninth International Conference on Geochronology, Cosmochronology and Isotope Geology (ICOG-9), August 20-26, 1998, Beijing, China, p.154.
- H.-C. Li, T.-L. Ku and J. L. Bischoff, 1998: High-resolution sediment records of stable isotopes and carbonate mineralogy/abundance in Owens Lake, California: Climate and hydrology reconstructions between 45 and 145 ka. EOS, AGU Spring Meeting, May 26-29, 1998, Boston, 79, p. S179.
- T.-L. Ku, H.-C. Li and L. D. Stott, 1997: Monsoon cycles and post-1920 atmospheric CO2 and temperature increases recorded in a stalagmite from Shihua Cave near Beijing, China. EOS, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 78, p. F376 (invited talk).
- H.-C. Li and T.-L. Ku, 1997: Teleconnection between ENSO and ITCZ position: decadal variations of regional precipitation in southwestern South America. Proc. 14th annual Pacific Climate (PACLIM) workshop, PACLIM 97 abstracts, p. 30.
- T. L. Ku, H. C. Li and L. D. Stott, 1997: Climatic variations during the last 500 years in northeastern China as deduced from oxygen isotope records of cave deposits. International Conference on Isotopes in the Solar System, Ahmedabad, India, 11-14 November, 1997, Abstract Volume p.144 (invited talk).
- H.-C. Li, Chen Wenji, T.-L. Ku, Yuan Daoxian and Li Teiying, 1997: Applications of high-resolution stable isotope records in speleothems. Proceedings of the VII Chinese National Congress of Quaternary Research, 3-6 November, p.33.
- T.-L. Ku, H.-C. Li and L. D. Stott, 1997: Decadal climatic reconstruction from stable isotope records of speleothem in Shihua Cave, China: a summer monsoon domain. Proc. 14th annual Pacific Climate (PACLIM) workshop, PACLIM 97 abstracts, p. 44.
- H.-C. Li, T.-L. Ku and L. D. Stott, 1997: Isotope and trace metal in speleothems as high-resolution paleoclimatic and paleoenvironment recorders. Symposium on “Carbon Cycle and Karst Processes”—IGCP379, April 26-30, 1997.
- H.-C. Li, and T.-L. Ku, 1996: Stable isotope records of a stalagmite from ShiHua cave near Beijing: Paleoenvironmental reconstruction in northern China during the last 3,000 years. EOS, abstracts for AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 77, p. F308.
- T.-L. Ku and H.-C. Li, 1996: Paleotemperature determinations in Northeastern China at ~40oN. EOS, abstracts for AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 77, p. F308.
- H.-C. Li, and T.-L. Ku, 1996: Decadal hydroclimatic variability in the western coastal U.S.: Temporal and spatial variations in precipitation, streamflow and lake level. Proc. 13th annual Pacific Climate (PACLIM) workshop, PACLIM 96 abstracts, p. 14.
- H.-C. Li, and T.-L. Ku, 1995: Stable isotope records of Holocene climate and lake history in the Mono Basin, California. EOS, abstracts for AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, p. 305.
- H.-C. Li, T.-L. Ku and L. D. Stott, 1994. High-resolution stable isotope records as proxy for precipitation in the Mono Basin (California) during the last 120 years. EOS, abstracts for AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, p. 371.
- S. Luo, T.-L. Ku, M. Kusakabe, Y.-L. Yang, L. Wang and H.-C. Li, 1994: Biogeochemical cycling of particulate matter in the Equatorial Pacific: Th-230 and Th-228 studies. EOS, abstracts for AGU Ocean Science Meeting, San Diego.
- H.-C. Li, T.-L. Ku, L. D. Stott and S. P. Lund, 1993: d18O and d13C of Carbonates in annually laminated sediments of Mono Lake: Paleoclimate and Paleohydrology during the last 500 years. EOS, abstracts for AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, p. 364.
- H.-C. Li and W. M. Berelson, 1993: Benthic radon flux on the San Pedro Shelf: Temporal/Spatial variability. Southern California Academy of Sciences, Annual Meeting.
- X.-M. Xu, H.-C. Li and T.-L. Ku, 1992: 9Be and 10Be distributions in rains and implication on the use of 10Be as a precipitation proxy. EOS, abstracts for AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, p. 173.
- H.-C. Li and W. M. Berelson, 1992: 226Ra activity in sediments and benthic fluxes at Whites Point Outfall. Southern California Academy of Sciences, Annual Meeting.
- H.-C. Li, W. M. Berelson and D. E. Hammond, 1991: Benthic flux study of dissolved oxygen around Whites Point Sewage Outfall. Southern California Academy of Sciences, Annual Meeting.
- H.-C. Li, 1985: 14C chronology study of Fu Yun earthquake faults in XingQiang, PR China. Radiocarbon, abstract for 12th International Radiocarbon Conference, Norway.