客座教授 Visiting Professor
客座教授 馮夏紅(FENG Xiahong)
1982年獲北京大學學士學位,1985年獲北京大學碩士學位,1991年獲美國凱斯西儲大學博士學位,現任美國達特茅斯學院教授及Frederick Hall講席教授;已主持和參加30余項美國和中國政府資助的科研項目;發表論文90余篇。
客座教授 塔蒂亞娜(Tatiana Blyakharchuk)
Short self introduction of Prof. Tatiana Blyakharchuk (IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia)
At present time I have full position of a leading scientist in the Laboratory of monitoring of forest ecosystems in Institute of monitoring of climatic and ecological systems of Siberian branch of Russian academy of sciences in Tomsk (Russia). My specialty is biologist-botanist and specialization – palaeoecology.

I graduated from Tomsk state university and defended two of my dissertations, first devoted to “Investigation of history of vegetation of south-east of West Siberian plain in Holocene by pollen data from peat sediments” – second devoted to “Investigation of vegetation and climate change of West Siberian plain and Altai mountains in late Glacial and Holocene by pollen data from peat and lake sediments”. I use pollen analysis of peat and lake sediments as a main method for reconstruction of past changes of vegetation and climate in Siberian region. My area of research is Western Siberia and mountains of South Siberia. In addition to Palynological method in our small palaeoecological group we use a few other palaeoecological methods for reconstruction of past environmental changes (macrofossil analysis of peat, charcoal, rhizopod analysis of peat, spectrophotometric method of peat humification and Diatom data and some other methods) to get more complete and objective picture of the biogeosystems response to environmental changes. Within going joint RFBR-MOST project we cooperate with Prof. Hong Chun Li a head of NTUAMS laboratory in a project where we try to get and to compare results of different palaeoecological methods with geochemical data from speleothems from Altai region, which is located on the boundary between Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan to find how global air mechanisms (westerly, Siberian anticyclone and monsoons) could be interacted in the middle of Eurasian continent during late Holocene. Before meeting with Prof. Hong Chun Li, I had experience of many years cooperation with American Prof. Herbert Wright, Prof. Brigitta Amman and Pim van der Knaap from Botanical Institute of Bern University in Switzerland with whom I performed tree palaeolimnological expeditions in Altai region. Results are published in journal “The Holocene” and “Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology”. I got probation in Palinological laboratory of Botanical Institute of Bern University (Switzerland), in Limnological Institutute of Minnesota University (USA), in Centre of Applied Isotope Studies of University of Georgia USA (as a Fulbright scholar – 6 months) and in Geographical Institute of Marburg University Germany (as a DAAD scholar – 3 months). In 2012 with 12 other invited scientist from all over the world - participated in Science Tour-2012 “Understanding Biodiversity and Climate Change” in Germany, organized by Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). As invited Prof. I gave courses of pollen analysis in Tomsk State University (Russia) and in North-East Normal University, Chang-Chung, China.